Saturday, January 20, 2007

Emilia Tobias-Quinitio: Shrimp and Mud Crab Expert

By Melchor F. Cichon
January 12, 2007

Who says that men are better scientists than women?

Wait until you see Dr. Emilia Tobias-Quinitio.

She is an epitome of women fisheries scientists in the country.

At present Dr. Emilia Tobias Quinitio works as scientist and Program Leader of Shrimp and Crab Domestication at the Aquaculture Department (AQD) of the Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) in Tigbauan, Iloilo, where her husband, Dr. Gerald Quinitio, used to work also as a scientist before he transferred to the University of the Philippines -College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (UPV-CFOS in Miag-ao, Iloilo. Gerry is also a product of UPV-CFOS.

Although Dr. Quinitio was born in Ilocos Sur on September 11, 1953, she was raised and educated in Manila. She took her high school at Saint Rita College in Manila and finished her Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, major in Inland Fisheries, at the UP College of Fisheries in Diliman, Quezon City, now the UPV-CFOS in March 1976. Two months after, she was employed at SEAFDEC/AQD and assigned under the Shrimp Hatchery Project.

Then came the turning point in her career.

She was given a scholarship by the Philippine Council for Agricultural Research (PCARR), what is now known as the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) for an at the College of Fisheries, UPV, graduating in 1980. Her thesis is entitled:"Growth, Survival and Macronutrient Composition of Peneaus monodon Fabricius Larvae Fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans and Tetraselmis chuii”.

Ten years after that, she was awarded another scholarship. This time from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for the Doctor of Fisheries Science at the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Japan . Her dissertation is entitled: "Physiological Studies on the Reproduction of Shrimps: Hormonal Regulation during Vitellogenesis."

With her solid academic background and work experience, Dr. Quinitio continued to conduct research works on crustaceans. These can be seen in her publications, both in local and international journals, as follows:

Tobias-Quinitio, E. and C.T. Villegas. 1982. Growth, survival and macronutrient composition of Penaeus monodon Fabricius larvae fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans and Tetraselmis chuii. Aquaculture 29:243-260.

Quinitio, E.T., D. de la Peña, and F.P. Pascual. 1983. The use of substitute feeds in larval rearing of Penaeus monodon. Rogers G.L., Day R., Lim A., eds. Proc. First Int’l Conf. of Warm Water Aquaculture Crustaceans, Feb 9-11, 1983, BYU, Hawaii, 337-342.

Quinitio E.T. and E. Reyes. 1983. The effect of different feed combinations using chicken egg yolk in Penaeus monodon. Rogers G.L., Day R., Lim A., eds. Proc. First Int’l Conf. of Warm Water Aquaculture Crustaceans, Feb 9-11, 1983, BYU, Hawaii, 333-336.

Quinitio, E.T., P. Gabasa, F. Suñaz, E. Reyes and D. de la Peña. 1984. Prawn hatchery Design and Operation. SEAFDEC/AQD Ext. Manual No. 9. 47 pp.

Vogt, G.,V. Storch, E.T. Quinitio and F.P. Pascual. 1985. Midgut gland as monitor organ for the nutritional value of diets in Penaeus monodon (Decapoda). Aquaculture 58:1-12.

Vogt, G., E.T. Quinitio and F.P. Pascual. 1986. Leucaena leucocephala leaves in formulated feed for Penaeus monodon: A concrete example of the application of histology in nutrition research. Aquaculture 59:209-234.

Vogt, G., E.T. Quinitio and F.P. Pascual. 1989. Interaction of the midgut gland and the ovary in the vitellogenesis and consequences for the breeding success: a comparison of unablated and ablated spawners of Penaeus monodon. De Pauw N., Jaspers E., Ackefors H., Wilkins N, eds. Aquaculture – A Biotechnology in Progress: Bredene, Belgium: European Aquaculture Society 581-592.

Quinitio, E.T., A. Hara, K. Yamauchi, T. Mizushima and A. Fuji. 1989. Identification and characterization of vitellin in a hermaphrodite shrimp, Pandalus kessleri. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 94:445-452.

Quinitio E.T., A. Hara, K. Yamauchi, and A. Fuji. 1990. Isolation and characterization of vitellin from the ovary of Penaeus monodon. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 17:221-227.

Quinitio E.T., K. Yamauchi, A. Hara, and A. Fuji. 1991. Profiles of progesterone and estradiol-like substances in the hemolymph of female Pandalus kessleri during an annual reproductive cycle. General Comparative Endocrinology 81:343-348.

Vogt, G. and E.T. Quinitio. 1991. Fate and effects of water-borne heavy metals in Penaeus monodon. De Pauw N., Joyce J. eds. European Aquaculture Soc. Special Publications No. 14, 320-321.

Estepa, F.P., E.T. Quinitio and E.L. Borlongan. 1991. Prawn hatchery Operations. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Extension Manual No. 19. 44 pp.

Quinitio, E.T., F.. Estepa and E. Coniza. 1991. Completion of the life cycle of Penaeus japonicus in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 120:155-158.

Quinitio, E.T. and O.M. Millamena. 1992. Ovarian changes and female-specific protein levels during sexual maturation of the white shrimp Penaeus indicus. Israeli Journal of Aquacult.ure-Bamidgeh 44:7-12.

Quinitio, E.T., R. Caballero and L. Gustilo. 1993. Ovarian development in relation to changes in the external genitalia in captive Penaeus monodon. Aquaculture 114:71-81.

Vogt, G. and E.T. Quinitio. 1994. Accumulation and excretion of metal granules in the prawn, Penaeus monodon, exposed to water-borne copper, lead, iron and calcium. Aquatic Toxicology 28(3-4):223-242.

Quinitio, E.T., K. Yamauchi and A. Hara. 1994. Changes in the steroid hormone and vitellogenin levels during the gametogenic cycle of the giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 109C:21-26.

Quinitio, E.T., F.P. Estepa and O.M. Millamena. 1996. Reproductive performance of captive Penaeus monodon fed various sources of carotenoids. Santiago C.B., Coloso R.M., Millamena O.M. and Borlongan I., eds. Proceedings of the National Seminar-Workshop on Fish Nutrition and Feeds, 1-2 June 1994, SEAFDEC/AQD, Iloilo, Philippines. Pp 74-82.

Quinitio, E.T., F.P. Estepa and V. Alava. 1999. Development of hatchery techniques for the mud crab Scylla serrata. 1. Comparison of feeding schemes. Proceedings of the Mud Crab Scientific Forum, 20-24 April 1997, Darwin, Northern, Territory, Australia. ACIAR Proceedings No. 78.

Parado-Estepa, F.D. and E.T. Quinitio. 1999. Larval survival and megalopae production of Scylla sp. at different salinities. In: Proceedings of the Mud Crab Scientific Forum, 20-24 April 1997, Darwin, Northern, Territory, Australia. ACIAR Proceedings No. 78. 174-177.

Millamena, O.M. and E.T. Quinitio. 1999. Reproductive performance of pond-sourced Scylla serrata fed various broodstock diets. In: Proceedings of the Mud Crab Scientific Forum, 20-24 April 1997, Darwin, Northern, Territory, Australia. ACIAR Proceedings No. 78. 114-118.

Millamena, O.M. and E.T. Quinitio. 2000. The effects of diets on the reproductive performance of eyestalk ablated and intact mud crab Scylla serrata. Aquaculture 181:81-90.

Quinitio, E.T. and F.D. parado-Estepa. 2000. Transport of Scylla serrata megalopae at various densities and durations. Aquaculture 185:63-71.

Honculada-Primavera, J. and E.T. Quinitio. 2000. Runt-deformity syndrome in cultured giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon. Journal of Crustacean Biology 20(24):796-802.

Quinitio, E.T., F.D. Parado-Estepa, O.M. Millamena and E.M. Rodriguez. 2001. Seed production of mud crab Scylla serrata. In: Proceedings of the International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs. Millamena O.M, Quinitio E.T and Blackshaw A. eds. 1-4 December 1998. Asian Fisheries Science 14(2):161-174.

Quinitio, E.T. and F.D. Parado-Estepa. 2001. Simulated transport of Scylla serrata zoeae at various loading densities. In: Proceedings of the International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs. Millamena O.M, Quinitio E.T and Blackshaw A. eds. 1-4 December 1998. Asian Fisheries Science 14(2):225-230.

Rodriguez, E.M., E.T. Quinitio, F.D. Parado-Estepa and O.M. Millamena. 2001. Culture of Scylla serrata megalops in brackishwater ponds. In: Proceedings of the International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs. Millamena O.M, Quinitio E.T and Blackshaw A. eds. 1-4 December 1998. Asian Fisheries Science 14(2):185-190.

Lavilla-Pitogo, C.R., H.S. Marcial, S.A.G. Pedrajas, E.T. Quinitio, and O.M. Millamena. 2001. Problems associated with tank-held mud crabs (Scylla spp) In: Proceedings of the International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs. Millamena O.M, Quinitio E.T and Blackshaw A. eds. 1-4 December 1998. Asian Fisheries Science 14(2):217-224.

Quinitio, E.T. and F.D. Parado-Estepa. 2003. Biology and Hatchery of Mud Crabs Scylla spp. Aquaculture Extension Manual No. 34. SEAFDEC/AQD, Iloilo, Philippines. 32pp.

Quinitio, E.T. 2003. Mud crab hatchery and grow-out status in the Philippines. In: Proceedings of the ACIAR Crab Aquaculture Scoping Study and Workshop. G. Allan and D. Fielder eds. 28-29 April 2003, Bribie, Island, Queensland, Australia. P. 53-56.

Okuzawa, K. J. Lebata, S.M.A. Buen-Ursua and E.T. Quinitio. 2006. The SEAFDEC/AQD Experience in Stock Enhancement. In: Proceedings of the Regional Technical Consultation on Stock Enhancement for Threatened Species of International Concern. 13-15 July 2005.

Primavera, J.H., Quinitio, E.T. and Eguia, M.R.R. eds. SEAFDEC/AQD and Government of Japan Trust Fund. p.17-26.

Quinitio, E.T. J. de Pedro and F.P. Estepa. 2007. Ovarian Maturation Stages of the Mud Crab Scylla serrata. Aquaculture Research (in press)

Because of her expertise, Dr. Quinitio has been invited to serve as Resource Speaker/Lecturer on Crab /Shrimp Biology and Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Culture (from hatchery to grow-out ponds), and related topics in local and international training courses, workshops, conferences and fisheries caravan. She also served as adviser, examiner (critic) and reviewer of Ph.D and MSc students from the U.P.V (Philippines), James Cook University (Australia), University of Wales in Bangor, (U.K.) and Rhodes University, Grahamstown (South Africa). She also reviews research proposals for International Foundation for Science (Sweden).

Dr. Quinitio is not only a technical writer, she also has served as reviewer of manuscripts for journals like Aquaculture, Aquaculture Research, Asian Fisheries, Philippine Journal of Science, and others.

Three of the books she has co-edited are:

Quinitio E.T. and J.H. Primavera (Guest editors). 1998. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawns and Shrimps. Aquaculture Vol. 164.

Millamena O.M., Quinitio E.T. and Blackshaw, A. 2001. Proceedings of the International Forum on the Culture of Portunid Crabs. Asian Fisheries Science. Vol. 14 No. 2.

Primavera, J.H., Quinitio E.T. and Eguia M.R.R. 2006. Proceedings of the Regional Technical Consultation in Stock Enhancement for the Threatened Species of International Concern. 13-15 July 2005, Iloilo City, Philippines. SEAFDEC/AQD and Government of Japan Thrust Fund. 149 pp.

Two of her research works were given awards. These are the best published research paper award given by the Bureau of Agriculture Research, Department of Agriculture, Philippines for the paper entitled: Seed Production of Mud Crab Scylla serrata by Emilia T. Quinitio et al., 4 October 2001, and National Research and Development Award given by the Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture, Philippines, for the paper entitled: Reproductive Performance of the Mud Crab Scylla serrata Fed Dietary Lipids by Quinitio et al., 5 October 2005.

She has been actively involved in the dissemination of crab culture (hatchery, nursery and grow-out technology) to stakeholders not only in the country but also in some Asian countries towards a more sustainable crab industry.


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